The final ENVRIplus dissemination event organized in Brussels, June 4, 2019, welcomed about 100 attendees. The participants had a chance to listen to talks explaining the role of collaboration amongst the environmental research infrastructures for the benefits of science, society, improved synergies and international collaboration. The talks also explained what are the future activities and needs of the ENVRI community to be able to develop a fully interoperable and harmonized cluster of researcher infrastructures. After their presentations, all the speakers were organized in a panel and ready to respond to questions from the audience and/or session moderator.

During the lunch-time, the attendees had a chance to meet about 16 environmental RIs that presented themselves during the so-called Science Fair. Last but not least, the event hosted an Award ceremony for the high school students who have participated in the Serious game developed by ENVRIplus project. We were happy to welcome 9 young students from Italy.


Photo credit: Ari Asmi (Contact us for the photos in the original size)

Welcome session

Collaboration for better science session

Collaboration for enhanced synergies

Collaboration for societal impact

Future prospects and needs of the ENVRI cluster

Research infrastructures – the in situ component of the global Earth observations

  • Oksana Tarasova: WMO
  • Alex VermeulenEAA
  • Geoff Sawyer: EARSC: helping research results become exploited in business


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