ENVRI plus coordination office finally submitted the 3rd and final period report summarising the progress of the project.
The main focus of the ENVRIplus project during its last reporting period was on finalising the work that has been initiated during the previous two periods, making sure all the products, tools and services are delivered by its end. The end was initially scheduled for month 48, i.e. April 2019. There were, however, several reasons why the project consortium applied for an extension. Besides tasks that could not be achieved for different reasons in the given time, such as Methane observation cruise in the Baltic sea (WP4), or the further work on the joint ENVRI strategy (WP17), there were tasks going beyond the original Description of Action, suggested by the project reviewers. These activities were seen as very beneficial, but could not be implemented in the original time frame of the project. The final dissemination event in Brussels is a good example of such activity, and it had a huge impact on the dissemination of the project’s results. The extension was approved by the European Commission (EC) and allowed the project to continue its work until month 51, i.e. July 2019.
See the full report here