Publications and Conference Proceedings
- Joe D Taylor, Michael Cunliffe (2016). Multi-year assessment of coastal planktonic fungi reveals environmental drivers of diversity and abundance, Nature, Nature Publishing Group
- Silvia Peppoloni, Giuseppe Di Capua, and Florian Haslinger (2016). ENVRI PLUS project: Developing an ethical framework for Environmental and Earth System Research Infrastructures, Geophysical Research Abstracts
- R. Filguiera, A. Krause, M. Atkinson, I. Klampanos, A. Moreno (2016). dispel4py: A Python framework for data-intensive scientific computing, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
- Amrey Krause, Rosa Filgueira, Malcolm Atkinson (2015). dispel4py – a Python framework for data-intensive eScience, Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Python for High-Performance and Scientific Computing – PyHPC ’15
- Paul Martin, Arie Taal, Francisco Quevedo, David Rogers, Kieran Evans, Andrew Jones, Vlado Stankovski, Salman Taherizadeh, Jernej Trnkoczy, George Suciu, Zhiming Zhao (2016). Information Modelling and Semantic Linking for a Software Workbench for Interactive, Time Critical and Self-Adaptive Cloud Applications, 2016 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA)
- Paul Martin, Paola Grosso, Barbara Magagna, Herbert Schentz, Yin Chen, Alex Hardisty, Wouter Los, Keith Jeffery, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao (2015). Open Information Linking for Environmental Research Infrastructures, 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science
- Gary A. McGilvary, Malcolm Atkinson, Sandra Gesing, Alvaro Aguilera, Richard Grunzke, Eva Sciacca (2015). Enhanced Usability of Managing Workflows in an Industrial Data Gateway, 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science
- Gary A. McGilvary, Adam Barker, Malcolm Atkinson (2015). Ad Hoc Cloud Computing, 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing
- Zaldei, A., Vagnoli, C., Di Lonardo, S., Gioli, B., Gualtieri, G., Toscano, P., Martelli, F., Matese, A. (2016). AIRQino, a low-cost air quality mobile platform, Geophysical Research Abstracts
- Matese, A., Di Gennaro, S.F., Zaldei, A. (2015). Agrometeorological monitoring: Low-cost and open-source – Is it possible?, Italian Journal of Agrometeorology
- Zaldei A., Camilli F., De Filippis T., Di Gennaro F., Di Lonardo S., Dini F., Gioli B., Gualtieri G., Matese A. (2016). An integrated low-cost road traffic and air pollution monitoring platform for next citizen observatories, Transportation Research Procedia
- M. Assante, L. Candela, D. Castelli, G.Coro, L. Lelii, P. Pagano (2016). Virtual Research Environments as-a-Service by gCube. 8th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2016)
- Rosa Filgueira, Amrey Krause, Malcolm Atkinson, Iraklis Klampanos, Alessandro Spinuso, Susana Sanchez-Exposito (2015). dispel4py: An Agile Framework for Data-Intensive eScience, 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science
- Ryan Mork, Paul Martin, Zhiming Zhao (2015). Contemporary challenges for data-intensive scientific workflow management systems. Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science – WORKS ’15
- Filgueira Vicente, R., Krause, A., Atkinson, M., Spinuso, A., Klampanos, I., Magnoni, F., Casarotti, E. & Vilotte, J-P. (2015). dispel4py : An Open Source Python Framework for Encoding, Mapping and Reusing Seismic Continuous Data Streams: Intensive Analysis and Data Mining, American Geoscience Union Fall Meeting Abstracts
- Spinuso, A, Filgueira Vicente, R, Atkinson, M & Gemuend, A (2016). Visualisation methods for large provenance collections in data-intensive collaborative platforms, Geophysical Research Abstracts
- Filgueira Vicente, R., Atkinson, M. & Krause, A. (2016). dispel4py: An Agile Framework for Data-Intensive methods using HPC, Conquering Big Data Using High Performance Computing
- Zhiming Zhao, Paul Martin, Junchao Wang, Ari Taal, Andrew Jones, Ian Taylor, Vlado Stankovski, Ignacio Garcia Vega, George Suciu, Alexandre Ulisses, Cees de Laat (2015). Developing and Operating Time Critical Applications in Clouds: The State of the Art and the SWITCH Approach, Procedia Computer Science
- Ole Weidner, Malcolm Atkinson, Adam Barker, Rosa Filgueira Vicente (2016). Rethinking High Performance Computing Platforms – Challenges, Opportunities and Recommendations, Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Data-Intensive Distributed Computing – DIDC ’16
- Zhiming Zhao, Paul Martin, Paola Grosso, Wouter Los, Cees de Laat, Keith Jeffrey, Alex Hardisty, Alex Vermeulen, Donatella Castelli, Yannick Legre, Werner Kutsch (2015). Reference Model Guided System Design and Implementation for Interoperable Environmental Research Infrastructures, 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science
- Werner Leo Kutsch, Ari Asmi, Paolo Laj, Magdalena Brus, and Sanna Sorvari (2016). Environmental Research Infrastructures providing shared solutions for
science and society (ENVRIplus), Geophysical Research Abstracts - Sanna Sorvari, Werner Kutsch, Paolo Laj, Ari Asmi, and Magdalena Brus (2016). ENVRI Cluster – a community-driven platform of European environmental research infrastructures for providing common solution for science and society. Geophysical Research Abstracts.
- M. Brus, A. Asmi, W. Kutsch, P. Laj and S. Sorvari (2016). ENVRIplus – Environmental research infrastructures providing shared solutions for science and society, Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Conference and the 6th PEEX Meeting
- Jean-Daniel Paris (2016). Common Technologies for Environmental Research Infrastructures in
ENVRIplus. Geophysical Research Abstracts. - Veloso, M.,et al., M. (2015): A new methodology for quantifying bubble flow rates in deep water using splitbeam echosounders: Examples from the Arctic offshore NW-Svalbard. Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods, doi: 10.1002/lom3.10024
- Assante, L. Candela, D. Castelli, G.Coro, L. Lelii, P. Pagano (2016) Virtual Research Environments as-a-Service by gCube. 8th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2016), 8-10 June 2016
- Zhou, H., Hu Y., Wang, J., Martin, P., Su, J., de Laat, C. and Zhao, Z., (2016) Fast Resource Co-provisioning for Time Critical Application Based on Networked Infrastructure, IEEE International Conference on CLOUD (CLOUD) 2016, San Francisco US
- Zhou, H., Hu Y., Wang, J., Martin, P., de Laat, C. and Zhao, Z. (2016). Fast and Dynamic Resource Provisioning for Quality Critical Cloud Applications, IEEE International Symposium On Realtime Computing (ISORC)
- Martin, P., Chen, Y. Hardisty, A., Jeffery, K., and Zhao, Z. (2017). Computational Challenges in Global Environmental Research Infrastructures. In Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Infrastructures: Challenges, New developments and Perspectives, edited by Chabbi A., Loescher H. W. CRC press.
- Herrmann, J. D. Zechar, & S. Wiemer, 2016. Communicating time-varying seismic risk during an earthquake sequence, Seismological Research Letters, 87 (2A), 301-311. doi:10.1785/0220150168
- D. Zechar, W. Marzocchi, & S. Wiemer, 2016. Operational earthquake forecasting in Europe: progress, despite challenges, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (2016) 14:2459. doi:10.1007/s10518-016-9930-7
- Berchet, A., et al.: Atmospheric constraints on the methane emissions from the East Siberian Shelf, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 4147-4157, doi:10.5194/acp-16-4147-2016, 2016. ** Asked to add publisher and publishing place, but was unable to find information. I put “?” in the fields.
- Yver Kwok, C., et al., Comprehensive laboratory and field testing of cavity ring-down spectroscopy analyzers measuring H2O, CO2, CH4 and CO, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8, 3867-3892, doi:10.5194/amt-8-3867-2015, 2015
- Atkinson, M., Bell, A., Curtis, A., Entwistle, E., Filgueira, R., Krause, A., Main, I., Meles, G., Miniter, M. & Zhao, Y. (2015). The Terracorrelator: a shared memory HPC facility for realtime seismological cross-correlation analyses, Geophysical Research Abstracts: European Geosciences Union General Assembly
- Stocker, M. (2017). Advancing the Software Systems of Environmental Knowledge Infrastructures. In Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Infrastructures: Challenges, New developments and Perspectives, edited by Chabbi A., Loescher H. W. CRC press, 2017
- Malcolm Atkinson, Michele Carpene, Emanuele Casarotti, Steffen Claus, Rosa Filgueira, Anton Frank, Michelle Galea, Tom Garth, Andre Gemund, Heiner Igel, Iraklis Klampanos, Amrey Krause, Lion Krischer, Siew Hoon Leong, Federica Magnoni, Jonas Matser, Alberto Michelini, Andreas Rietbrock, Horst Schwichtenberg, Alessandro Spinuso, Jean-Pierre Vilotte (2015). VERCE Delivers a Productive E-science Environment for Seismology Research, 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science
- Klump, J., Huber, R., and Lehnert, K. (2016). 20 Years of persistent identifiers – Which systems are here to stay?, Geophysical Research Abstracts
- Ryan Mork, Paul Martin, Zhiming Zhao (2016). Contemporary challenges for data-intensive scientific workflow management systems, Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science – WORKS ’15
- Jens Klump, Robert Huber, Michael Diepenbroek (2016). DOI for geoscience data – how early practices shape present perceptions, Earth Science Informatics
- Spinuso, A., Filgueira Vicente, R., Krause, A., Matser, J., Casarotti, E., Magnoni, F., Gemünd, A., Frobert, L., Krischer, L. & Atkinson, M. (2015). The VERCE platform: Enabling Computational Seismology via Streaming Workflows and Science Gateways. A Forecasting Model Testing Centre, Geophysical Research Abstracts
- Nicola Arriga , Üllar Rannik , Marc Aubinet , Arnaud Carrara , Timo Vesala, Dario Papale (2017). Experimental validation of footprint models for eddy covariance CO2 flux measurements above grassland by means of natural and artificial tracers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Volume 242, 15 August 2017, Pages 75-84.
- Acosta, Carlos (2017). From reference model and system requirements to architecture design recommendations: an expert system approach. Thesis/Dissertation
- Asmi, A., Brus, M., Sorvari S. (2017). Community-Driven Efforts for Joint Development of Environmental Research Infrastructures, In Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Infrastructures: Challenges, New developments and Perspectives, edited by Chabbi A., Loescher H. W. CRC press.
- Asmi A., Brus M., Laj P., and Kutsch W.: Overcoming organizational, cultural and technological barriers in a cluster of European Research Infrastructures, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-14098, 2017 EGU General Assembly 2017
- Paul Martin, Laurent Remy, Maria Theodoridou, Keith Jeffery, Zhiming Zhao.: Mapping heterogeneous research infrastructure metadata into a unified catalogue for use in a generic virtual research environment. International journal of Future Generation Computer System, 2019
- Zhiming Zhao, Xiaofeng Liao, Paul Martin, Jordan Maduro, Peter Thijsse, Dick Schaap, Markus Stocker, Doron Goldfarb, Barbara Magagna.: Knowledge-as-a-Service: a community knowledge base for research infrastructures in environmental and earth sciences. Workshop on the first IEEE services workshop on knowledge graph as a service (KGAAS), IEEE Service 2019
- Liao, X., Bottelier, J. & Zhao, Z.: A Column Styled Composable Schema Matcher for Semantic Data-types. Data Science Journal, 2019
- Xiaofeng Liao and Zhiming Zhao.: Unsupervised Approaches for Textual Semantic Annotation, A Survey. ACM Computing Survey 1, 1, Article 1 (January 2019), 52 pages
- Paul Martin, Laurent Remy, Maria Theodoridou, Keith Jeffery and Zhiming Zhao.:Mapping metadata from different research infrastructures into a unified framework for use in a virtual research environment. 10th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2018), 13-15 June 2018
- Toste Tanhua, Sylvie Pouliquen, Jessica Hausman, Kevin M. O’Brien, Pip Bricher, Taco de Bruin, Justin James Henry Buck, Eugene Francis Burger, Thierry Carval, Kenneth S Casey, Steve Diggs, Alessandra Giorgetti, Helen Glaves, Valerie Harscoat, Danie Kinkade, Jose Henrique Muelbert, Antonio Novellino, Benjamin Gerrit Pfeil, Peter Pulsifer, Anton Pieter Van de Putte, Erin Robinson, Dick Shaap, Alexander Smirnov, Neville Smith, Derrick P Snowden, Tobias Spears, Shelley Stall, Marten Tacoma, Peter Thijsse, Stein Tronstad, Thomas Vandenberghe, Micha Wengren, Lesley Wyborn, Zhiming Zhao.: Ocean FAIR Data Services. International journal of Frontiers in Marine Sciences, 2019
- Assante, M., Candela, L., Castelli, D., Cirillo, R., Coro, G., Frosini, L., Lelii, L., Mangiacrapa, F., Marioli, V., Pagano, P., Panichi, G., Perciante, C., Sinibaldi, F.: The gCube system: Delivering Virtual Research Environments as-a-Service. Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 95, June 2019, Pages 445-453
- Assante, M., Candela, L., Castelli, D., Cirillo, R., Coro, G., Frosini, L., Lelii, L., Mangiacrapa, F., Pagano, P., Panichi, G., Sinibaldi, F.: Enacting Open Science by D4Science. FutureGeneration Computer Systems
- Vitale, D., Fratini, G., Bilancia, M., Nicolini, G., Sabbatini, S., and Papale, D.: A robust data cleaning procedure for eddy covariance flux measurements. Biogeosciences Discuss.
- Yang Hu, Huan Zhou, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao.: Concurrent Container Scheduling on Heterogeneous Clusters with Multi-Resource Constraints.
- Huan Zhou, Yang Hu, Xue Ouyang, Jinshu Su, Spiros Koulouzis, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao.: CloudsStorm: A Framework for Seamlessly Programming and Controlling Virtual Infrastructure Functions during the DevOps Lifecycle of Cloud Applications. International journal Software: practice and experience
- Huan Zhou, Xue Ouyang, Jingshu Su, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao.: Enforcing Trustworthy Cloud SLA with Witnesses: A Game Theory based Model using Smart Contracts. Concurrency and Computation: Practice Experience
- Arie Taal, Junchao Wang, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao.: Profiling the scheduling decisions for handling critical paths in deadline-constrained cloud workflows.International journal of Future Generation Computer system
- Koulouzis, S., Martin, P., Zhou, H., Hu, Y., Wang, J., Carval, T., Grenier, B., Heikkinen, J. de Laat, C., and Zhao, Z.: Time-critical data management in clouds: challenges and a Dynamic Real-time Infrastructure Planner (DRIP) solution. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
- Wenchao Jiang, Yinhu Zhai, Zhigang Zhuang, Paul Martin, Zhiming Zhao, Jiabao Liu.: An efficient method of generating deterministic small-world and scale-free graphs for simulating real-world networks. IEEE Access, Volume 6, 2018
- Wenchao Jiang, Yinhu Zhai, Zhigang Zhuang, Paul Martin, Zhiming Zhao, Jia-Bao Liu.: Vertex labeling and routing for Farey-type symmetrically-structured graphs. Symmetry in Computing Theory and Application, Preprints 2018
- Wenchao Jiang, Yinhu Zhai, Paul Martin, Zhiming Zhao.: Structure Properties of Generalized Farey graphs based on Dynamical Systems for Networks. Scientific Reports, volume 8, Article number: 12194
- Yang Hu, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao.: Learning Workflow Scheduling on Multi-Resource Clusters. IEEE international conference on Network, Architecture and Network (NAS), Enshi, China
- Huan Zhou, Zeshun Shi, Yang Hu, Pieter Donkers, Andrey Afanasyev, Spiros Koulouzis, Arie Taal, Alexandre Ulisses and Zhiming Zhao.: Large distributed virtual infrastructure partitioning and provisioning across providers. IEEE conference on Smart IoT, Tianjin, China
- Yang Hu, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao.: Multi-objective Container Deployment on Heterogeneous Clusters. International workshop on Network aware big data computing, in the proceedings of IEEE CCGrid 2019, Cyprus
- Huan Zhou, Spiros Koulouzis, Yang Hu, Junchao Wang, Alexandre Ulisses, Cees de Laat and Zhiming Zha.: Migrating live streaming applications onto clouds: challenges and a CloudStorm solution. 1st Workshop on Cloud-Native Applications Design and Experience, 11th IEEE/ACM conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, Zurich Switzerland
- Huan Zhou, Cees de Laat, and Zhiming Zhao.: Trustworthy Cloud Service Level Agreement Enforcement with Blockchain based Smart Contract.
- Yang Hu, Huan Zhou, Cees de Laat, C., and Zhiming Zhao.: ECSched: Efficient Container Scheduling on Heterogeneous Clusters. Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2018 Conference, August 2018
- Spiros Koulouzis, Rahaf Mousa, Andreas Karakannas, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao.: Information Centric Networking for Sharing and Accessing Digital Objects with Persistent Identifiers on Data Infrastructures. the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Big Data Management, in the context of IEEE CCGrid, Washington, US
- Elias Khaldi Ahanach, Spiros Koulouzis and Zhiming Zhao.: Linking provenance with system logs: a context aware information integration and exploration framework for analyzing workflow execution. 10th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2019)
- Koulouzis, S., Carval, T., Martin, P., Grenier, B., Chen, Y., Heikkinen, J., Zhao, Z.: Dynamic Optimization for Time-critical Data Services: A Case Study in Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure. 20th EGU General Assembly
- Brus, M., Asmi A., Sorvari S. Lessons-learned from the Environmental research infrastructure (ENVRI) community building and engagement. AGU Fall meeting 2018
- Magdalena Brus, Ari Asmi, Werner Kutsch, Paolo Laj, and Sanna Sorvari.: Communications as a strategic function for the management and success of a large multidisciplinary project – ENVRIplus case. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-9617, 2018 EGU General Assembly 2018
- Koulouzis, S., Martin, P., Carval, T., Grenier, B., Judeau, G., Heikkinen, J., Wang, J., Zhou, H.,Hu, Y., De Laat, C., and Zhao, Z.: Seamless Infrastructure Customisation and Performance Optimisation for Time-critical Services in Data Infrastructures. DataCloud 2017, Denver, USA
- Abdelhadi El Yazidi, Michel Ramonet, Philippe Ciais, Gregoire Broquet, Isabelle Pison, Amara Abbaris, Dominik Brunner, Sebastien Conil, Marc Delmotte, Francois Gheusi, Frederic Guerin, Lynn Hazan, Nesrine Kachroudi, Giorgos Kouvarakis, Nikolaos Mihalopoulos, Leonard Rivier, Dominique Serça.: ‘Identification of spikes associated with local sources in continuous time series of atmospheric CO, CO2 and CH4’. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 1599–1614, 2018
Popularised Publications (Non peer-reviewed)
- Magdalena Brus (2015) ENVRIplus – Environmental Research Infrastructures providing shared solutions for science and society, ICOS Newsletter
- Zhiming Zhao (2016) Data for Science: software and solutions for the environmental sciences, EGI –Inspired, Newsletter No 22
- Elodie Parisot (2015) A new cluster for environmental and earth system research infrastructures in Europe, AnaEE Newsletter, No 10
- Magdalena Brus (2016) The virtual platform for ENVRI community, April 2016 EGI –Inspired, Newsletter No 23
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