
3rd periodic report of ENVRIplus project was submitted to EC

ENVRI plus coordination office finally submitted the 3rd and final period report  summarising the progress of the project. The main focus of the ENVRIplus project during its last reporting period was on finalising the work that has been initiated during the previous two periods, making sure all the products, tools and services are delivered by [...]

FINAL ENVRIplus report

After 51 months of hard work, ENVRIplus project is officially over. And it left a huge amount of results behind. Through an organisation of a very large number of activities, workshops, internal and external consultations, we managed to create many new tools and services mainly for the benefits of the participating Research Infrastructures. ENVRIplus confirmed that: Collaborative [...]

ENVRI community at AGU 2019

The ENVRI community research infrastructures will be present at the 100th  Advancing Earth & Space Science - American Geophysical Union meeting organized in December 9-13 in San Francisco. We encourage you to submit your abstract to one of our (co)organized sessions. The submission deadline is July 31. Sessions (co)organized by ENVRI RIs Co-sponsored session by EMSO ERIC - AGU Session [...]

Communication Officer position at the Euro-Argo ERIC

The Euro-Argo ERIC Office is looking for a Communication Officer to reinforce its team, strengthen the interface between science and the external world, and enhance the communication with its main stakeholders. Position description & application details: Communication Officer position  Download (184.08 KB)

Final ENVRIplus event in Brussels explained the benefits of Research Infrastructures collaboration

The final ENVRIplus dissemination event organized in Brussels, June 4, 2019, welcomed about 100 attendees. The participants had a chance to listen to talks explaining the role of collaboration amongst the environmental research infrastructures for the benefits of science, society, improved synergies and international collaboration. The talks also explained what are the future activities and [...]

Final ENVRIplus event: agenda and registration online

ENVRIplus is holding its final event in Brussels to showcase the European environmental research infrastructures’ contribution to the global Earth Observations, discuss the ENVRIplus results and look ahead to the future of the ENVRI community. The meeting will take place at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, on 4 June and will welcome [...]

Coordinator’s poem

The ENVRIplus coordinator Werner Kutsch opened the final ENVRI week with a poem. It summarizes the work in different Themes of the project. Enjoy your reading. Good morning my friends, how are you today, I welcome you cordially and I hope you will stay. We are going to summarise our precious action In ENVRIplus to [...]

INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL Data FAIRness in Environmental & Earth Science Infrastructures: theory and practice

Lecce, 01 - 05 July 2019 In recent years, one of the major challenges in the Environmental and Earth Science has been managing and searching larger volumes of data, collected across multiple disciplines. Many different standards, approaches, and tools have been developed to support the phases of the Data Lifecycle (Data Acquisition, Data Curation, Data Publishing, [...]

ENVRI week will host an OPEN FORUM on “Collaboration for an integrated knowledge of the Earth system – European environmental research infrastructures”

Open Forum will be a public event introducing the environmental research infrastructures and discussing how their collaboration and multidisciplinary approach contributes to more integrated science.   What? - Stimulating talk introducing the landscape of environmental research infrastructures and benefits of their collaboration  /ENVRIPLUS COORDINATOR AND ICOS DIRECTOR GENERAL WERNER KUTSCH/ - Reactions from an invited panel of experts [...]

Read the ENVRIplus report on identification and citation service case studies

This third and final deliverable of ENVRIplus Work Package 6, "Inter RI data identification and citation services", provides a summary of three use cases related to data citation: 1) the publication of marine biodiversity data from peer-reviewed journal to EU data infrastructure; 2) the development of a citation and usage tracking system for greenhouse gas [...]