ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) is the European Research Infrastructure (RI) providing high-precision data on greenhouse gases. Their aim is to provide knowledge through observations. They are serving Earth System Science as well as societies and political decision makers. Their data comprise atmospheric concentrations, emissions and sinks of greenhouse gases, biogeochemical cycles in terrestrial ecosystems, oceans and atmosphere and related research.
ICOS is a landmark of the European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and aiming to become an important part of the global observation system on climate and greenhouse gases.
ICOS is coordinated by a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ICOS ERIC) with statutory seat in Finland. The Head Office (HO) of ICOS ERIC, located in Helsinki, supports the central aims of ICOS ERIC to coordinate, develop, monitor and integrate the activities of ICOS RI by facilitating the work of the Director General (DG), the Research Infrastructure Committee and the General Assembly. The HO is led by the Director General. The HO is organized in four Units for ‘Administration’, ‘Operations’ and ‘Communication’ as well as direct support for the DG.
The Communication Unit organizes the general ICOS outreach activities and public relations on the basis of the scientific material provided by the different parts of the RI and sets up short and mid-term priorities in this field. It summarizes the results and publications and communicates them to a broader public. It also disseminates the achievements and results of externally funded projects.
ICOS ERIC is looking for a
Head of Unit Communications
who shall be responsible for the following tasks:
- Prepares and puts into action appropriate communication and outreach strategy for ICOS RI and related projects in collaboration with the various bodies of the infrastructure,
- Supports the dissemination of results and products from ICOS and related projects,
- Manages the content of ICOS ERIC web site and social media channels,
- Prepares and distributes brochures, media kits, information sheets, and other promotional materials in collaboration with the other bodies of ICOS, particularly the Carbon Portal, Central Facilities and National Networks,
- Prepares, edits and disseminates ICOS quarterly Newsletter,
- Supervises ongoing photo campaigns and video productions,
- Supervises the day-to-day communication and outreach activities within ICOS ERIC,
- Coordinates ICOS Communications Network and related activities
- Takes care of the ICOS brand and visual outlook,
- Organizes ICOS participation to exhibitions, conferences and other major events,
- Co-organizes the biannual ICOS Science Conference,
- Oversees ICOS press activities in Finland and internationally,
- Arranges ICOS presence in professional journals by promotion articles.
The successful candidate should have a university degree in Journalism, Media Management, Communication Management, or Pedagogics preferably with experience working with scientists on environmental monitoring or climate change research. Degrees in other subjects can be accepted as well with proven extended working experience in communication. Fluency in English is a mandatory requirement. In addition, she/he should have excellence in writing and editing outreach material. Skills in other European languages are beneficial. Experience on outreach activities and popularization of scientific results is essential. He/she should have outstanding social skills and capability to interact with the international science community. She/he should be able to follow a flexible approach to varying tasks, good organisational and administrative skills, ability to work under pressure, organising and prioritising tasks in order to meet tight and compelling deadlines, ability to work in a team, as well as autonomously and manage own workload. A successful candidate should also have a high degree of motivation and ability to work towards a common long-term goal.
The starting salary range will be 4800 – 5200 Euros but own ideas can be expressed. There is a four-month trial period. ICOS ERIC is an equal opportunity employer. This international position consists significant amount of travelling.
If you got interested, please send your CV and application (in English) with salary expectation via this link no later than 28.8.2017. For further information, please contact Tiina Koskelo, tiina.koskelo@hr4.fi or tel. +358 50 428 0842 best available on 16 August at 14.00-16.00 and 23 August at 08.00-10.00 local Helsinki time.
Further information about ICOS in general can be obtained from the ICOS RI website.