T6 – Communication & Dissemination


Theme Leader: Sanna Sorvari (FMI)

Theme 6 focuses on coordinating internal and external communication, supporting the community in developing and implementing the long-term ENVRI strategy and organisation of the dissemination and outreach of ENVRIplus. In addition, Theme 6 facilitates the raising of awareness and engagement of the current and potential users of ENVRIplus.
Particular attention is given to providing joint activities with users and stakeholders (such as SMEs, industry and policy makers at large) in order to capture the feedback needed from the end-users for providing novel Research Infrastructure services and solutions for the community. The activities of Theme 6 contribute to reducing the fragmentation of the environmental Research Infrastructure landscape through the enhancement of operational efficiency and provision of Research Infrastructure services for the users by seeking the optimal economies of scale and identification of suitable common guidelines and operations.

WP17 – Coordination of Research Infrastructure communication, development and implementation of the ENVRI Strategy

The WP will establish efficient operational and organisational means for the coordination and communication at the domain level, across the cluster, and for overall environmental Research Infrastructure community that goes beyond the ENVRIplus project partnerships. WP17 will organise the communication and knowledge transfer of the joint ENVRIplus policies and strategies in the environmental Research Infrastructure community and to other relevant clusters and initiatives. National, European and international policy dialogs with other Research Infrastructure clusters, strategy platforms (e.g. ESFRI) and funding organisations will also be established to ensure that the planned developments in the ENVRIplus are aligned with the national and international Research Infrastructure developments. In addition, this WP will seek most suitable means to sustain collaborative cluster work of environmental Research Infrastructures beyond the project life-time.

Contact WP17 leader Sanna Sorvari for more details

WP18 – Dissemination, Liaison and Collaboration

ENVRIplus seeks to integrate the activities and services of the environmental Research Infrastructures for the benefit of a range of current and potential users. There is significant scope to increase the awareness and wider use of discipline/domain specific scientific data and associated services both within the cluster of environmental Research Infrastructures and across the wider user communities. Trust and understanding are the main cultural capitals that are needed for wider cross- disciplinary/domain usage of the data and services developed by the research infrastructures.
This work package will focus on dissemination and promotion of the ENVRIplus objectives and outcomes across a range of stakeholders using various dissemination, promotion and collaboration techniques. In addition, it will seek to develop an active dialogue with the various user communities to ensure that ENVRIplus remains up to date with the current needs, challenges and user requirements within the environmental field.

Contact WP18 leader Helen Glaves for more details