Conference on communicating the importance of science to society

Garching (near Munich), Germany
2930 May, 2017

Scope of the workshop

Science is exciting, enlightening, complex, fundamental, precise, logical, and creative, all at the same time. However, for the public to get in touch with it and understand why it encompasses all these concepts, efforts need to be made to bridge science and society. With this aim, communication teams at research infrastructures work with a range of methods and channels. They make complex information more tangible and disseminate it as broadly as possible so that the public can understand and be engaged.

This conference aims to be a hands-on forum for communication officers and public relations staff to share their experiences and expertise. The aim is that  participants return home with new ideas for their work, by learning how and with which means  other research institutions are communicating the importance of science and of research infrastructures to society.


European Southern Observatory
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2
85748 Garching

Registration fee
200€  (covers coffee breaks, a lunch, and social dinner in Munich’s city centre)

More information here.