The EGU General Assembly 2017 will be held in Vienna | Austria | 23-28 April 2017.


15 Research Infrastructures collaborating in ENVRIplus, have decided to join their forces and organize a joint booth for entire Environmental Research Infrastructure (ENVRI) Community.

EGU is one of the most important events for all the Environmental Research Infrastructures in Europecommunity-copy. The conference brings together around 14000 scientists from 109 countries. However, only a fraction of them is aware of the existence of RIs, their mission and the benefits they can offer to every single scientist.

The ENVRIplus Research Infrastructures have therefore decided to join their forces in promoting the environmental RIs, organizing a joint booth together, to get visibility, share the costs as well as to demonstrate the strong collaboration among them.

You will find the joint ENVRI community booth at the exhibition stand number 2 and 3 (right next to the main entrance to EGU venue).

Sessions organized in frame of ENVRIplus

CL5.13 – Towards CMIP6 internationally coordinated climate modeling experiments: the role and use of modeling and observation research infrastructures PICO session
Convener: Sylvie Joussaume  | Co-Conveners: Abad Chabbi , Helen Glaves , Francesca Guglielmo , Werner Kutsch , Sanna Sorvari 

Session SMP51 – Experiences and practices of public–private partnerships in research infrastructures (public)
Convener: Ari Asmi
SMI23 – Current European Research Infrastructure Initiatives (by invitation only)
Convener: Ari Asmi
TM11 – Global environmental observations under pressure – new responsibilities for Europe?
Convener: Ari Asmi  | Co-Convener: Werner Kutsch

Other relevant sessions

SM5.1/ESSI2.10/GI1.6 – Integrated research infrastructures and services in geosciences (co-organized)
Convener: Massimo Cocco  | Co-Conveners: Carmela Freda , Florian Haslinger , Helen Glaves 


EGU2017-17715 | PICOs | ESSI3.2  – Environmental Computing compendium – background and motivation
Matti Heikkurinen and Dieter Kranzlmüller


ESSI2.3 – Developing Persistent Identifiers for Future Applications and Maintaining Integrity
Convener: Jens Klump  | Co-Conveners: Tobias Weigel , Fiona Murphy , Helen Glaves , Peter Fox 


ESSI2.6 – Virtual Research Environments: supporting online collaborative research in the Earth Sciences and beyond
 Convener: Helen Glaves  | Co-Conveners: Lesley Wyborn , Ben Evans , Mirko Albani


OS4.3 – Advances in water column and seafloor fixed point observatories
Convener: Richard Lampitt  | Co-Conveners: Martin Heesemann , Luisa Cristini , Susanne Neuer , Eric Delory , Mairi Best 


AS3.8 – Radiative effects of natural and anthropogenic aerosols
 Convener: Andreas Petzold  | Co-Conveners: Joshua Schwarz , Bernadett Weinzierl


AS4.6 – Aircraft-based observation of the atmosphere and atmosphere-surface exchange processes
Conveners: Jean-Daniel Paris , Jean Sciare  | Co-Conveners: Andreas Petzold , Andreas Volz-Thomas 


EOS15 – Effective Project Management in Earth Sciences – What does That Mean?
Convener: Daniela Henkel  | Co-Conveners: Sylvia Walter , Sofia Alexiou , Luisa Cristini , Friederike Hoffmann


 Session BG1.3 – 20 years of eddy flux research in EuroFlux and AmeriFlux: History, Highlights, and Future Directions
 Convener: Dario Papale  | Co-Conveners: Bert Gielen , Margaret Torn , Dennis Baldocchi


 EOS14 – Geoethics: ethical, social and cultural implications of geoscience knowledge, education, research and practice 
 Convener: Silvia Peppoloni | Co-Conveners: Nic Bilham, Martin Bohle, Giuseppe Di Capua, Eduardo Marone