
ENVRI community at AGU 2019

The ENVRI community research infrastructures will be present at the 100th  Advancing Earth & Space Science - American Geophysical Union meeting organized in December 9-13 in San Francisco. We encourage you to submit your abstract to one of our (co)organized sessions. The submission deadline is July 31. Sessions (co)organized by ENVRI RIs Co-sponsored session by EMSO ERIC - AGU Session [...]

TERENO-NEON Carbon Workshop

The TERENO-NEON Carbon Workshop will take place in Düren, Germany, July 2019. We support students to attend! This 2019 Carbon summer workshop will provide an opportunity to learn how to use ‘big data' from the Terrestrial Environmental Observatories (TERENO), National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) large networks of observatories while [...]

Final ENVRIplus event: agenda and registration online

ENVRIplus is holding its final event in Brussels to showcase the European environmental research infrastructures’ contribution to the global Earth Observations, discuss the ENVRIplus results and look ahead to the future of the ENVRI community. The meeting will take place at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, on 4 June and will welcome [...]

INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL Data FAIRness in Environmental & Earth Science Infrastructures: theory and practice

Lecce, 01 - 05 July 2019 In recent years, one of the major challenges in the Environmental and Earth Science has been managing and searching larger volumes of data, collected across multiple disciplines. Many different standards, approaches, and tools have been developed to support the phases of the Data Lifecycle (Data Acquisition, Data Curation, Data Publishing, [...]

ENVRI week will host an OPEN FORUM on “Collaboration for an integrated knowledge of the Earth system – European environmental research infrastructures”

Open Forum will be a public event introducing the environmental research infrastructures and discussing how their collaboration and multidisciplinary approach contributes to more integrated science.   What? - Stimulating talk introducing the landscape of environmental research infrastructures and benefits of their collaboration  /ENVRIPLUS COORDINATOR AND ICOS DIRECTOR GENERAL WERNER KUTSCH/ - Reactions from an invited panel of experts [...]

ENVRIplus Final Dissemination event

When 4th of June 2019 Where Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium What An interactive event combining talks, panel discussions, and science market format – all discussing the European Environmental Research Infrastructures and the results of their joint collaboration Registration Please register through this link by 24th of May 2019. The programme of the event [...]

Final ENVRI week

8th and final ENVRI week will be organized in Helsinki, Finland from 25th until 29th of March 2019 Registration deadline is March 18, 2019. What is ENVRI week? ENVRI week is a week dedicated to Environmental Research Infrastructures. It is organized twice a year. ENVRI week hosts ENVRIplus project related sessions as well as several [...]

7th ENVRI week in Riga

7th ENVRI week will be organized in Tallink Hotel Riga, Latvia, November 5-9, 2018 What is ENVRI week? ENVRI week is a week dedicated to Environmental Research Infrastructures. It is organized twice a year ENVRI week hosts ENVRIplus project related sessions as well as several other sessions targeting different groups of stakeholders. AGENDA An outline [...]

ICRI 2018 – 4th International Conference on Research Infrastructures

ICRI 2018 Vienna, Austria, 12-14 September 2018 ENVRI community will be attending ICRI. Besides displaying the ENVRI community roll up at the ICRI exhibition, the ENVRI community representatives will give a talk in Parallel Sessions:   Sept 12 14:00 - 15:15 Plenary session 1  Policy issues and ICRI in context - Ilaria Nardello EMBRC   Sept [...]

Workshop on Interoperability Technologies and Best Practices in Environmental Monitoring

EU Coastal and Open Sea Observatories - Workshop on Interoperability Technologies and Best Practices in Environmental Monitoring Brest, 10-12 October 2018 (Registration deadline: 5th September) Long-term in situ marine observation, be it coastal or open sea, seafloor or water-column, is achieved by a variety of devices and systems operated by a number of teams meeting [...]