
ENVRI week – mark your calendar!

ENVRI week is a week dedicated to Environmental Research Infrastructures. It will be organized twice a year, in November and in May. It will include the ENVRIplus project related sessions as well as several other sessions targeting different groups of stakeholders. Next ENVRI week will be organized in Prague, Czech republic in November 16-20, 2015 [...]

ENVRI community platform to be launched soon!

We will soon launch an extension of this website called ENVRI community (www.envri.community). This website will serve as a forum and community platform for all people interested in Environmental Research Infrastructures. It will host discussions and information related to latest developments, strategies, plans and vision in the field of Environmental Research Infrastructures. The platform will [...]

ENVRIplus website is finally here!

Welcome to our new website! This is the website of ENVRIplus informing you about the aims, structure and developments within this exciting project. Please help us to improve the website by clicking the feedback tab on your right side. Happy browsing!!!   We have created this website to give our project partners and people intrested [...]