T3 – Access To Research Infrastructures

Access to RIs

Theme Leader: Paolo Laj (CNRS/UHEL)

The ultimate success of Research Infrastructure is measured by the research that is carried out based on the data, software services, ICT and technical resources and user expertise that the Research Infrastructure offers. The access to Research Infrastructure across disciplines and the flexible response to the evolving needs in the scientific community are key factors for sustainability of Research Infrastructures. Hence offering seamless access to a broad multidisciplinary community is a common goal of the environmental Research Infrastructures.
Both, cost efficiency and scientific return of Research Infrastructures are enhanced by multiple-purpose use and use across disciplines, as well as by joint use with other institutions or projects. Enhanced capacities for remote access on “demand” and for remote observation campaigns enable Research Infrastructures to reach a broader community.

WP 10 – Governance for sustainable and adjustable access to Research Infrastructures

Based on an assessment of the present access policies, user needs and other requirements imposed by the community, this WP will develop a set of guidelines and a master-plan to facilitate open access. This will serve as a basis for Research Infrastructures to include in their governance and to adjust for individual needs. A strategy will be developed to support the operation of Research Infrastructure and to promote an open expanding and changing user community for the individual Research Infrastructures.

Contact WP10 leader Anders Tjulin for more details

WP 11 – New Concepts and Tools for Physical Access

To promote the use of Research Infrastructure platforms and to explore and promote synergies of joint observation sites the WP will address the challenges that are connected to 1) physical access, 2) to the access across disciplines also outside the Research Infrastructure communities and including e.g. SME, and 3) it will propose a model to facilitate efficient future access. The project has identified 4 platforms operated by ENVRIplus partners that can be particularly suitable for performing innovative research at the frontier between different domains. This will be used for test cases to implement access across disciplines:
• The HYYTIÄLÄ boreal forest site (SMEAR),
• The LA REUNION Island multi-disciplinary platform (OSUR-R),
• The Mt. ETNA INGV Observatory,
• The SOERE-ACBB multidisciplinary platform.

Contact WP11 leader Abad Chabbi for more details